As 2022 draws to a close, it’s important that we take time to celebrate the great work we’ve all accomplished together this year.
We at ALTAX heartily congratulate the POLIFAKT network of experts and partners.
Our political analyzes such as: “The new social contract – the master plan for building a bridge of trust“, “Anti-Inflation Plan to reduce inequality and reduce inflation“, “1 year of governance requires a necessary accountability in this rather difficult year” , Money laundering increases inflation and damages the economy, “Budget Relief from the Sinful Past and Present “To Endure Another Territorial Disruption!“, New Social Contract for Social-Political Change, Fiscal Decentralization Works Well If Governance Works Well, Infrastructure Reform: For people will apply to the future and governance applies to the present, This is our life and these are our duties!, New social contract based on inclusive democracy, Transparency Boards must be careful with economic freedom, Liberation from the spirit of old political for efficient economy, Contribution firstly to Albania and secondly to the party, The “volcanic ash” of the war launched by Russia can affect many other countries, Market informality and accountability of politics, The effect on the fulfillment of priorities and governing programs from the change of ministries (2009-2022) and The year 2022, hope for democracy.
as well as our reports from the monitoring of the government program and analysis based on the facts on the performance of the policies and the model of how the country is run, such as: 444 days of the government “RAMA 3” Balance of the performance of the government program “Rama 3” according to social monitoring , the First 300 days of the “Rama 3” Government: 13% have been fulfilled, 68% are expected to be fulfilled and 19% have not been fulfilled, 200 days of government: 9% of the program has been fulfilled, 43% is in progress, while 48% still there is no development
show how the POLIFAKT product, together with the collaborators, empowers citizens in their role of choosing the government they want, especially at a time when democracy and the economy have been under difficulties, continuous mistakes in multiple directions .
And as we celebrate our successes, we are humbly reminded of the work that remains ahead of us.
That’s why we’re so excited about what’s in store for 2023.
This includes more interaction, as well as reporting, research and analysis, and more social causes and partners who will find more stories to bring to you.
With a renewed focus on innovative, proximity-driven accountability through our ALTAX app, we will expand our approach to new frontiers and show more of how the economy and public finance really work alongside social struggles , forcing positive changes.