When you think about current wages and initiatives to raise them, if you’re anything like us, your mind goes to front page news, headlines, talk shows and statements on television, comments spread on social media, resignations missed by executives. high profile multifaceted. But there is more than that, since even today there is still no maintenance of institutional responsibilities, which brought damage to the reputation of Albanians, damage to businesses from the disclosure of data to their competitors inside and outside the country, as well as the lack of inclusiveness for an investigation of the phenomenon of informality that was discovered and continues to feel well accommodated.
Almost two years ago this week, when personal data and later also individual wages began to be released, they were the images that dominated every other news coverage and if we’re honest, they caught many of us by surprise. However, what was far from what we all thought was the lack of accountability and even more unexpected would be that accountability had no trace of serving our society and culture to influence the response to the future.
The very words “Wage Leaks” became almost synonymous with inequality, injustice, corruption, and the deep, dark financial secrets and wealth hidden behind this wage system that cannot be covered by action two years later.
After all the important floods of information in our society, nothing important is happening and now there are times when perhaps this gradual change, this phenomenon can help equip ordinary people with the patience and determination to pursue the long struggle for change. stable.
In the time we live in you can’t expect immediate fulfillment, but time is still running, and we are losing the chance to live according to the principles of equality and respect for personal freedom.