Elbasan: The public considers ALTAX’s reporting valuable material to be studied, not only for the municipality, but also for the ordinary citizen
In the second meeting in Elbasan on April 5, 2023, following the tour that started with Berat two days ago, ALTAX experts were already conscious in presenting the findings of the Report in front of an even more demanding public regarding local developments. But, in the meantime, the interaction with the civil society of this city has been even more lively in comparison to what we have expected from other cities.
In the part of the discussions that were referred by the participants in the hall, as well as the questions from the online followers, the common approach that they asked for is the fact to look carefully at the most vulnerable layers and that do not have the opportunity to generate additional income for reasons of status theirs.
But, in the dialogue with them, it was clarified that already a part of the economy of Elbasan, as well as the national economy, is found in frequent cyclical periods without rhythm and cannot be part of the Balkan regional developments. By analyzing indicators and main economic projects launched and started
Meanwhile, the way the presence of sectors such as agriculture in Elbasan is at the level of 40% of the economy makes it powerless to create opportunities to resist shocks coming from outside, in addition to guaranteeing food supply, which also suffers from investments in the way to recycle it, not to leave seasonal agriculture, and to get added value.
It seems that the current government and all the governments before it has not resisted the temptation to open many projects and jobs within one mandate. They have preferred those projects that are considered big, or reforming, forgetting the details that make up the project and create big problems that are systematically left as a burden to the government that takes the mandate.
Education and the creation of a work culture with standards is the key to the future prosperity of Albania.
As difficult as the current economic crisis is, it is important not to lose focus on the importance of education and begin addressing some of the problems that have long plagued the nation’s cultural and educational system. The reforms carried out in the past years should be rigorously evaluated by the public inside and outside the country.
The evaluation made by those present, as well as by the readers who had the opportunity to get to know the report, appreciate the dedicated work and “a material that deserves to be studied, as it is an analysis that applies not only to the municipality, but also to the ordinary citizen.
The simple and understandable explanations, the synopsis of the whole panorama of the work of the municipality and the activity of the citizens is a work that measures with facts what has happened.
This report is a ready analysis for the municipality to study to adjust its work, as well as an assessment for the future of where to start to do the best” [1].
A valuable part of the material is that of welfare, where pensioners are also included, as a layer that does not need just a bonus, but for decent treatment, and the government belongs to the people and not to the benefiting part of society.
In the meeting there was also participation from the Municipality of Elbasan at the specialist level, while there was no councilor of the Municipal Council, a fact that is appreciated by us as a confirmation of the findings related to the chapter entitled “Politics”.
The answers and communication they had is an indicator that directly evaluates the part of the contribution that ALTAX intends to give with its products and direct communication, after the activities, but also the dialogue after the activities with the central government and the Assembly Committees.
[1] https://www.facebook.com/watch/live?ref=watch_permalink&v=132373653000966